How do I view OAM test suite results?

Note: After a test has executed, there is a brief processing delay before results are available. For tests that have just finished running, Nokia recommends that you wait a minimum of 5 s before viewing results.


Open Data Collection and Analysis Management, Test Suites.

Choose a test suite and click png1.png(Table row actions), View Details.

The View Test Suite Details page opens, showing the following:




Each row of the aggregated results table corresponds to an execution of the test suite. Whenever the test suite is successfully started, a new aggregated results row is added.

To view the individual results for a specific test suite execution, select the aggregated results row corresponding to the execution you are interested in and click View individual results png11.png.


The LIFECYCLE RESULTS table shows events from the execution of the test suite, such as stop and start timestamps and error events.


The page displays the results of each test executed.

By default, the results from the most recent test suite execution are shown, that is, the execution ID from the first row of the aggregated results table is chosen automatically. You can view results for other test suite executions by specifying another execution ID in the Test suite execution ID field or by returning to the AGGREGATED RESULTS tab and clicking View individual results png11.png.

For more detailed information about a specific test, choose an execution and click View Results png11.png.

Note: If a test suite was created from the NSP, the tests will all be the same type. If the test suite was created using RESTCONF, multiple test types could be included. To view results from a different type than is currently displayed, choose the telemetry type from the drop down list.

See the TESTS tab for a list of tests in the suite.


The page displays log information from the generation of the suite and tests.


The page lists the test identifiers included in the suite.

If the test suite is an on-demand suite, the TESTS tab shows the included tests grouped by stage.

Stages are executed sequentially, but tests within each stage will be executed either sequentially or in parallel depending on how the stage is configured.

For more detailed information about a specific test, double click on an execution or choose an execution and click View Results png11.png.

End of steps