Addressing requirements

Client and internal addressing

The client and internal networks must be in the same IP family: IPv4 or IPv6. NSP functions communicate internally and externally using only one protocol version.

Note: Only IPv4 is supported for communication between an NSP deployer host and an NSP cluster.

Mediation addressing

Concurrent IPv4 and IPv6 NE mediation is supported using separate interfaces, or using one interface that supports both protocols.

IP addressing in shared-mode deployments

The IP version support in a shared-mode deployment varies, depending on which components or products are integrated, as described below.


The NFM-P fully supports IPv6 for mediation and client communication; integration with an IPv6 NSP system has no special requirements.


The WS-NOC supports only IPv4 communication, so can be integrated only with an NSP system that uses IPv4 in the client and internal networks.