To back up the Release 22.3 or earlier NSP file service data


Perform this procedure to manually back up the NSP file service data before you upgrade a Release 22.3 or earlier system.


Log in as the root user on the NSP cluster VM that is called the NSP configurator VM or NSP cluster host.

Open a console window.

Perform one of the following to change to the file service pod.

  1. For a Release 21.3 NSP system, enter the following:

    kubectl exec -it nsp-file-service-app-0 -c nsp-file-service-app bin/bash ↵

  2. For an NSP system at Release 21.6 or later, enter the following:

    kubectl exec -it nsp-file-service-app-0 bin/bash ↵

Enter the following:

cd /opt/nsp/containers/nspvolume/fileservice ↵

Enter the following:

tar -cvf fileServiceData.tar * ↵

The files that are backed up are listed, and added to a backup file in the current directory called fileServiceData.tar.

The files may include MDM adaptor suite and device mapping files.

Perform one of the following to copy the backup file to the local file system.

  1. For a Release 21.3 NSP system, enter the following:

    kubectl cp nsp-file-service-app-0:/opt/nsp/containers/nspvolume/fileservice/fileServiceData.tar fileServiceData.tar -c nsp-file-service-app ↵

  2. For an NSP system at Release 21.6 or later, enter the following:

    kubectl cp nsp-file-service-app-0:/opt/nsp/containers/nspvolume/fileservice/fileServiceData.tar fileServiceData.tar ↵

Transfer the backup file from the current directory to a secure location in a separate facility for safekeeping.

Note: It is strongly recommended that for the greatest fault tolerance, you transfer the backup file to a secure facility that is outside the local data center.

To conserve system resources, it is recommended that you remove the backup file from the nsp-file-service-app pod.

Perform the following steps.

  1. Enter the following:

    kubectl exec -it nsp-file-service-app-0 bin/bash ↵

  2. Enter the following:

    cd /opt/nsp/containers/nspvolume/fileservice ↵

  3. Enter the following:

    rm -f fileServiceData.tar ↵

The backup file is deleted.

Close the console window.

End of steps