To reset the OpenSearch security configuration


If all of the following are true in an NSP cluster, you must reset the OpenSearch security configuration used by Log Viewer in the cluster.

  • A custom TLS certificate is used.

  • The deleteOnUndeploy parameter in the nsp-config.yml file is set to false.

  • You have undeployed, and then redeployed, the NSP cluster.


Log in as the root user on the NSP cluster host.

Open a console window.

Enter the following:

kubectl exec -it opensearch-cluster-master-0 -n nsp-psa-restricted bash ↵

Enter the following:

/usr/share/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-security/tools/ -cacert /usr/share/opensearch/config/root-ca.pem -cert /usr/share/opensearch/config/kirk.pem -key /usr/share/opensearch/config/kirk-key.pem -cd /usr/share/opensearch/config/opensearch-security/ ↵

The OpenSearch security configuration is reset.

Close the console window.

End of steps