To commission the VSR-NRC for NSP management


Perform this procedure after VSR-NRC installation to configure the VSR-NRC connection to the managed network, and to prepare the VSR-NRC for NSP management. Managing the VSR-NRC using NFM-P only applies if NFM-P is running the same software version as the rest of NSP.

Note: When the VSR-NRC will be integrated with a containerized NSP system for the purposes of using the NSP's PCE functionality, users must also configure the sros section of the nsp-config.yml file. See Configuring SROS for more information.

Commission the VSR-NRC for management

Open a CLI session on the VSR-NRC VM.

If required, configure a static route on the VSR-NRC:

bof static-route networkIP/mm next-hop nextHopIP


networkIP is the destination network IP address

mm is the subnet mask

nextHopIP is the IP address of the next hop in the static route

Enter the following commands in sequence to complete the BOF configuration:

bof persist on ↵

bof save ↵

Configure the VSR-NRC system address:

configure router interface system address systemInterfaceIP/mm


systemInterfaceIP is the VSR-NRC system interface IP address

mm is the system interface subnet mask

Enter the following commands in sequence to complete the device commissioning:

Note: The commands used in this step must be altered to align with the VSR-NRC chassis, card, and MDA types configured in the VSR-NRC domain.xml file.

card 1

card-type iom-v

mda 1

mda-type m20-v

no shutdown


no shutdown


The VSR-NRC reboots. After the reboot, the NFM-P can discover the VSR-NRC.

Connect the VSR-NRC to the managed network

For managed network connectivity, and to establish peering sessions, the VSR-NRC VM requires network interfaces, or vNICs. Depending on your network architecture, you may need to provision multiple vNICs, create an additional network bridge, and bind the vNICs to the bridge.

The first vNIC must be mapped to the CFM-A management port. The second vNIC is reserved for CFM-B. Additional vNICs that you create are sequentially assigned as network ports 1/1/1, 1/1/2, and so on.

Perform the following to create vNICs:

Note: It is recommended that “virtio” is chosen as the device model of each interface. See the RHEL OS documentation for more information.

  1. Open the RHEL Virtual Machine Manager, or virt-manager, tool.

  2. Use the tool to add virtual network interfaces, as required.

  3. When the creation of all interfaces is complete, restart the VSR-NRC VM.

After the VM restarts, the interfaces are shown as ports in the VSR-NRC configuration.

To configure the VSR-NRC for IP topology discovery

Connect the VSR-NRC to one or more ABRs in the network, ensuring that visibility to each area is possible.

Configure an interface for each area of the network connected to the ABRs. See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Unicast Routing Protocols Guide for more information.

Configure OSPF or IS-IS for each link. See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Unicast Routing Protocols Guide for more information.


Configure the router protocol to export the topology database to NSP. Enter the following commands on the VSR-NRC:

configure router ospf traffic-engineering ↵

configure router ospf database-export ↵

Note: To discover multiple IS-IS Level-1 topologies via IGP discovery, the VSR-NRC must be configured with multiple IS-IS instances that are each connected to one portion of the topology. Because the definition of a domain includes the instance number, each instance will appear as a separate domain within NSP. To prevent this, configure each instance with identical database-export identifier values. For example, execute this command on each instance: configure router isis database-export identifier 1 ↵

To configure the VSR-NRC for BGP-LS topology discovery

Connect the VSR-NRC to one or more routers (preferably ABRs) in the network.

Note: To perform BGP-LS topology discovery, the VSR-NRC requires BGP peering (direct or via BGP Route Reflector) with at least one router in each IGP area.


Configure one or more interfaces to the selected router. See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Unicast Routing Protocols Guide for more information.


Configure OSPF or IS-IS on the link to achieve full IP reachability to the selected router. See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Unicast Routing Protocols Guide for more information.


Configure the VSR-NRC to peer with the selected router. See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Unicast Routing Protocols Guide for more information.


Configure the VSR-NRC to export BGP-LS to the NSP. Execute the following commands on the VSR-NRC:

configure router ospf traffic-engineering ↵

configure router ospf no database-export ↵

configure router bgp link-state-export-enable ↵

configure router bgp family ivp4 bgp-ls ↵


On each ABR peering with the VSR-NRC, execute the following commands:

configure router ospf traffic-engineering ↵

configure router ospf database-export identifier bgp-ls-identifier bgpLspID

configure router bgp link-state-import-enable ↵

configure router bgp family ipv4 bgp-ls ↵


  • identifier specifies an entry ID to export

  • bgpLspID specifies a BGP LS ID to export

To configure the VSR-NRC as a PCE

Enable PCE on the VSR-NRC. Execute the following commands:

configure router pcep pce local-address pcepIP

configure router pcep pce no shutdown ↵

where pcepIP is the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the system interface, or any loopback interface, of the VSR-NRC

Note: The configuration of the PCE local address is only required if the user wants to establish a PCEP session from the PCC inband via the network interfaces. When a PCC establishes a PCEP session out-of-band, PCE uses the VSR-NRC management IP interface address as the local address and the above configuration is ignored.

To configure PCCs

Execute the following commands on all 7750 SR routers that will peer with the VSR-NRC (PCE):

configure router pcep local-address pcepIP no shutdown ↵

configure router pcep pcc peer VSR-NRCpcepIP no shutdown ↵

configure router pcep pcc no shutdown ↵


pcepIP is the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the system interface - or any loopback interface - of the router. The configured local address is only used for establishing the PCEP session to the PCE inband via the network interfaces. When establishing PCEP out-of-band, the router’s management IP address is used, and the local address configuration is ignored. The user can configure three modes for the establishment of the PCEP session by the PCC: out-of-band with fallback to inband (default), inband only, or out-of-band only using the command ‘configure router pcep pcc peer route-preference {both | inband | outband}

VSR-NRCpcepIP is the PCEP PCE IPv4 or IPv6 address of the VSR-NRC with which the routers will peer. When PCC establishes the PCEP session to PCE out-of-band, the VSR-NRC management IP interface address should be entered. Otherwise, the local address configured on the VSR-NRC PCE should be entered as explained in Step 17.

End of steps