NFM-P samconfig utility

General information

To deploy or configure most NFM-P system components, an operator uses the CLI-based samconfig utility. After you install the samconfig RPM package on a station, you can use the samconfig utility to:

You can configure and deploy the following components using samconfig:

Note: The following NFM-P main server aux parameters remain in the samconfig utility, but are obsolete and not to be configured:

Note: The following NFM-P auxiliary server service parameters remain in the samconfig utility, but are obsolete and not to be configured:

Note: The following NFM-P auxiliary server tls parameter remains in the samconfig utility, but is obsolete and not to be configured:

Functional description

The samconfig utility has a hierarchical menu structure similar to the menu structure of some NEs. The top level is called the root level. The configuration level, which is directly below the root level, contains the objects that you can configure. An object is a parameter, or a functional area that contains parameters.

The following commands are available at any menu level:

Root level

The root level is the level at which samconfig opens. The root-level prompt includes the component type, as shown below for a main server:


The following commands are exclusive to the root level:

Configuration level

To configure an NFM-P component, you must enter the configuration level and specify objects, parameters, and values, as required. To move to the configuration level from the root level, you enter the following:

<componentconfigure ↵

The configuration-level prompt is the following:

<component configure>

The configuration-level help menu lists the configurable objects, which are specific to the component type. The following is a help-menu sample that lists the configurable objects for a main server:

        ip               - Private IP address for local server communications
        domain           - NFM-P server complex domain name
   [no] license          - Absolute path to the NFM-P license file
        client           + Client Configuration
        database         + Database Configuration
        mediation        + Mediation Configuration
   [no] aux              + Auxiliary Server Configuration
   [no] redundancy       + Redundancy Configuration
   [no] tls              + Security Configuration
   [no] oss              + OSS Configuration
        auxdb            + Auxiliary Database Configuration
   [no] aa-stats         + AA Stats Configuration
   [no] nspos            + nspOs Configuration
   [no] remote-syslog    + Configuration of Remote Syslog Location for Activity Logging
   [no] server-logs-to-remote-syslog +Configuration of logging the NFM-P server logs to remote syslog server
   [no] hsm              + HSM Configuration
   [no] server-logs-to-opensearch + Configuration of logging the NFM-P server logs to OpenSearch running at containerized NSP

Note: The [no] option beside an object means that you can delete or disable the object configuration using the following syntax:

no object

The following table defines the special characters that may be displayed beside an object or command

Table 14-3: Special characters in samconfig menus




The object has child objects or parameters.


The object does not have child objects or parameters.


The object has one or more mandatory parameters that are not configured.

Note: You can save, but not apply a configuration that includes an unconfigured mandatory parameter.

Contextual help

At the configuration level, or in an object context below the configuration level, you can enter the following to obtain the help information for a specific parameter:

parameter ?

The following example shows the help command and output for the ip parameter of a main database:

<db configure> ip ?

  NAME:               ip

  DESCRIPTION:        Database IP address accessible to servers

                      Default Value [nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn]

                      Current Value [nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn]

  USAGE:              ip <IP>

  FORMAT:             where IP is a valid Local IPv4 ( or IPv6 formatted address.

  VALID VALUES:       nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn

  MANDATORY:          true

Advance creation of configuration files

You can use samconfig to create multiple configuration files for subsequent component deployments on other stations.

For example, if you plan to deploy a standalone NFM-P system that includes two auxiliary servers, you create the following files using the parameter values required for each component:

You can then copy the files to stations in a staging environment for trial purposes, and then subsequently use the files on the stations in a live system when testing is complete.

Note: You can create a configuration file for a component only when the RPM packages that the component requires are installed on the component.

Note: After you specify a license, keystore, or truststore file using samconfig, the associated parameter may display the following:

Use Current object File

In such a case, before you can apply the file on a different station, you must use samconfig on the new station to specify the license, keystore, or truststore file.