Workflow for NSP system conversion to multi-interface


The following workflow describes the sequence of high-level actions that are required to convert a single-interface NSP system to a system that uses multiple network interfaces.

An NSP system can use one network for all client, internal, and mediation communication, or the system can segregate different traffic types using separate networks and network interfaces.

See Multi-interface configuration for information about multi-interface support.


Back up the current NSP databases; perform “How do I back up the NSP cluster databases?” in the NSP System Administrator Guide.

Back up any customized system files that you need to preserve, for example, TLS certificate files and any custom data files.

If the following files are present, back up the files to a secure location that is unaffected by the conversion activity:

  • /opt/nsp/nsp-configurator/generated/nsp-keycloak-admin-secret

  • /opt/nsp/nsp-configurator/generated/nsp-keycloak-client-secret

If you are upgrading from NSP Release 21.9 or earlier, perform the following steps to prevent the deletion of the local storage volumes.

  1. Log in as the root user on the station that hosts the NSP deployer host VM.

  2. Open a console window.

  3. Enter the following:

    sed -e '/\/opt\/nsp\/volumes/ s/^#*/#/g' -i /opt/nsp/kubespray/roles/kubernetes-apps/nspos-reset/defaults/main.yml ↵

Perform To uninstall the NSP software from an NSP cluster.

Perform To uninstall the NSP Kubernetes registry.

Perform To provision the network bridge for NSP VMs on each physical host to reconfigure the network bridge for KVM access to the guest VMs.

Install the NSP, as described in To install the NSP, with the exclusion of Step 27, which describes creating the NSP cluster VMs.

You must specify the IP addresses of the required client, internal, and network interfaces during the installation.

Note: Using the internal NSP network requires that you update the configuration of each other component to use the NSP internal address; the WS-NOC is an exception, and must use the NSP client interface address.

Test the converted system to verify the system operation and data integrity, as required.