How do I view current alarms?

Current alarm lists

The current alarm list displays all active alarms in the network, or for specific NEs. The global current alarm list is kept updated in real-time.

What can I do in the alarm lists?

Perform the following operations to manage the order and content of your alarm list:

Selecting multiple alarms

You can select up to 100 alarms from the alarm list, from among currently displayed alarms. You can select alarms in batches, but cannot make a selection that includes alarms that have not been loaded into the NSP alarm list (for example, by starting a selection, then scrolling past the currently loaded alarms). Selecting large numbers of alarms from a long list is not recommended; see How do I create an advanced alarms filter? for information about filtering alarms.

Note: If a selected alarm is deleted during the selection process, the deleted alarm is not included in the action performed on the other selected alarms.

What can I do with the Watched Filters list?

The Watched Filters list is a part of Current Alarms, and shows a summary of up to ten saved filters. You can add or remove saved filters from the list, and click on a filter in the list to display that filter in the Alarm List panel. Perform the following operations to manage filters displayed in the list:

What can I do with the alarm squelch page?

The squelch settings page shows you the squelch status of all ports or NEs monitored by NSP. You can squelch an object or a to discard all new alarms on the squelched object, and service endpoints associated with a squelched port.

Alarms that are squelched in the NSP are not squelched at their originating data source (for example NFM-P or WS-NOC) and continue to appear in their respective clients. Squelched alarms are dropped when received by the NSP, and do not appear in current alarm lists or as historical events.

Note: Squelching is not supported in WS-NOC standalone deployments. Squelching resource groups is not supported in NFM-P standalone deployments. Squelched alarms received from the NFM-P are not displayed in the Current alarm list, but are displayed in the Merged and Historical alarm lists.

Note: You can individually squelch up to 1000 NEs and 1000 ports. You can use resource groups to squelch up to 250,000 objects (both ports and NEs combined).

Manage squelched objects using the following tasks:

Alarm squelching behavior

NSP discards alarms on squelched objects based on the Affected Object and Site ID parameters of the alarm. Squelching an NE discards alarms with a Site ID that matches the squelched NE. Squelching a port discards alarms with an Affected Object parameter that matches the squelched port. Squelching a port also discards alarms for service endpoints associated with the port.

Resource groups

The Resource Group panel on the Alarm Squelch page displays existing network supervision, network element, and equipment resource groups. For more information about using group directories and resource groups, see the NSP System Administrator Guide.