How do I view root cause distribution in the network?
Alarm Distribution diagram
The Alarm Distribution diagram shows all root cause trees for the most impacting alarms for the network, with root cause alarms with no impacts hidden.
What can I do with the Alarm Distribution diagram?
Select Alarm Distribution from the drop-down list in the Network Map and Health dashboard. The inner circle is each root cause alarm. The outer circles are objects impacted by the alarm, with the width of the blocks representing the impact magnitude. Click on an alarm to see its information in the panel on the right.
Note: If the managed network yields only alarms with no impact, the Alarm Distribution diagram is blank.
In cases where the number of impacted objects is very high, the Alarm Distribution diagram data content is scaled down to maintain diagram readability. A message appears at the bottom of the diagram, indicating that it has been scaled due to high impact counts.
On the Info panel:
Click Alarm List
to open the alarm list for the selected alarm, filtered by the alarm object full name.
Manage the order and content of your alarm distribution diagram using the following tasks:
Control what’s visible in the alarm distribution diagram. Click on the Filter button
and select one of the options (date range, name, site ID, product, topology group, or saved filter). Depending on what you select, additional filters options appear.
The filters appear as chip filters
at the top of the diagram. Click the Close button on a chip filter to remove it from the diagram.
Hide specific alarm types. Click More
and select the appropriate menu option, then click Refresh to hide acknowledged alarms or maintenance (admin state) alarms.
Hide alarms of specific severity. Click More
and de-select the appropriate severity options, then click Refresh.