How do I view which alarms are occurring the most?
Top Problems view
The Top Problems view helps identify the largest problems in your network by displaying issues in the form of a bar chart. By default, the view displays the alarm types with the most occurrences in the network. Each bar represents a specific alarm type, and its size represents the number of occurrences. The top problems are polled according to the time interval your administrator set in the system preferences or that you set in your user preferences, from the Settings menu on the NSP settings page.
You can configure the graph to instead display alarms grouped by probable cause or specific cause, and count by total number of alarms, total alarm occurrences, or total NEs affected.
What can I do with the Top Problems view?
When you hover over a bar in the chart, the corresponding alarm type in the list is highlighted.
Configure the graph. Use the drop-down menus at the top of the graph to configure what bars are displayed, and what criteria are counted for the bars
Filter alarms by severity. Click on the Filter button
(appears only when the alarms are displayed by alarm name) and select a severity level from the drop-down list. Only alarms of the selected severity are displayed in the chart. Click the Close button on the chip filter to remove it from the chart.
What can I do with the Alarm List?
The Alarm Type list displays name and alarm count information for the top 50 alarm types displayed in the chart. The first icon in an alarm type list item shows the number of occurrences of the alarm type, the second icon shows the total alarm count, and the third icon shows the number of NEs affected by the alarm type. When you hover over an alarm type in the list, the corresponding bar in the chart is highlighted.

Hide Alarm Types. Hide an alarm type from the list and the chart by clicking the Hide button that appears when you hover on the right-hand side of an alarm type item. If any alarms are hidden, the Hidden Alarm Type button is enabled on the main toolbar. Click this button to remove the alarm type from the list of hidden alarms (the alarm type is re-displayed).