Managing alarms

What do I use instead of the NFM-P Alarm Window or NSP Alarm Views?

All of the alarm management features available in pre-23.11 NSP releases remain available in 23.11. You can now use Current Alarms, or the Network Health or Troubleshooting dashboards to access alarm management features.

New navigation

Open Network Map and Health, or open Current Alarms

View the figure
How have the fault management diagrams changed?

In NSP 23.11, the fault management diagrams have been simplified to improve readability, labelling, and zooming features. See examples: Top Problems, Impact Diagram.

New navigation: Top Problems

Open Network Map and Health, Top Problems

View the figure

New navigation: Impact Diagram

Open Network Map and Health, select an alarm that has impacts, click png5.pngTable Row Actions , Impact Diagram

View the figure
Where is the Current Alarm Hierarchy?

In NSP 23.11, Current Alarm Hierarchy has been removed and replaced by the Distribution Diagram.

New navigation

Open Network Map and Health, Distribution Diagram

View the figure
Where is the Inspector Matrix?

In NSP 23.11, Inspector Matrix has been removed and replaced by the NE Troubleshooting dashboard.

New navigation:

Open Object Troubleshooting, Network Element

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