How do I open a CLI session with an NE?


You can open an NE session from menus in the following Network Map and Health dashboard locations:

  • the information panel for a selected NE on the Network Map

  • NEs in the Network Inventory

There is typically a brief delay before the Open in NE Session menu item becomes active.

Note: Opening an NE session requires that your access privileges include execute permission for the selected NE. See your network administrator for more information.


Open Network Map and Health, Network Health View.

Perform one of the following:

  1. To open a session from the Network Map: Click on the NE in the map, then clickpng28.png Info to open the Information panel. Click png5.png More, Open in NE Session.

  2. To open a session from the Network Inventory, Network Elements list: On a list item, click png5.png More, Open NE Session.

An NE Session form opens in a new tab.

Click CONNECT. NEs that are managed using MDM only use the session type configured in the CLI mediation policy. For SSH sessions with NEs managed using NFM-P, a Login window appears.

Enter the username and password for the NE in the Login window for an SSH session, or in the terminal window for a Telnet session.

Click DISCONNECT when your session is finished to log out and close the session.

End of steps