How are NSP assurance events retrieved and recorded?

Assurance events

Assurance events are used as a troubleshooting tool to give the user insight into the events that led to a certain state. For example, an operator could examine events that occurred on an NE or service prior to a critical alarm and see if there was a configuration change that resulted in an alarm.

Assurance events are sequential historical events recorded on NE or service objects and their hierarchical sub-components. The type of events that can generate an assurance event are:

Assurance event recording in NSPOS

For objects managed by MDM or WS-NOC, event logging is implemented using time series model recording.

You enable event logging globally for NSP from the NSP settings page. Click User, NSP Settings, Event Logging Policy. This setting is for NSP event logging only. It applies to non-NFM-P-managed objects.

The assurance event framework detects changes on common model objects by listening to corresponding nsp-db-<model> topics (e.g., nsp-db-equipment, nsp-db-service, nsp-db-alarm) which report any change committed to the common model database. If the change is detected on any one of the pre-configured objects, an assurance event is created and published it to a Kafka topic. The nspos-ts-data-manager-app listens for assurance events and adds them to the ts.AssuranceEvent table.

Assurance event format

Each NFM-P or NSPOS event contains the following information:

Table 2-2: Assurance event information components

Event component



Derived FDN of the ancestor MO to the MO that generated the event (e.g., Service FDN).


FDN of the MO that generated the event (e.g., Site FDN).


Event creation time.


Can be any of:

AlarmRaisedEvent, AlarmUpdateEvent, AlarmClearedEvent, CreationEvent, ConfigurationEvent, StateChangeEvent, DeletionEvent, TestFailureEvent, AnomalyEvent, ThresholdCrossedEvent, ScaleOutEvent, ScaleInEvent, HealingEvent, CustomEvent, UpgradeEvent, CustomOperationEvent, InstantiateEvent


json-encoded event data.

Assurance event recording in NFM-P

Assurance events for NFM-P-managed objects are recorded using NFM-P event generation (JMS). The assurance event recorder subscribes to the JMS events. If an event is on an object of interest, it is translated into an assurance event record and logged using the event logging framework.

By default, assurance events are recorded in an Oracle database, but if the customer has configured an auxiliary database, the recording is automatically routed to the auxiliary database.

An NFM-P Event policy allows you to enable/disable event recording (Admin State Up/Down) and the log retention time. To configure an Event policy, open NFM-P, click Tools menu, Events, Event Policies. The framework also provides tools to purge events.

Event log retention time defaults and minimum/maximum values depend on the type of database you are using. 

Table 2-3: Event log retention time defaults and minimum/maximum values

Database type

Default retention time

Minimum retention time

Maximum retention time


168 hours (one week)

One hour

720 hours (1one month)


720 hours (one month)

One day

8760 hours (one year)

In addition to NFM-P Event Policy configuration, you must enable event recording in the Timeline Settings form. Click png5.png More, Timeline Settings. You can enable event recording for specific objects:

Table 2-4: Objects with event recording

Object type

NFM-P class

Network Element










Network Interface


LAG Interface


Site Sync








VNF Instance


VNF Component


Assurance events retrieval

NSP retrieves events from the appropriate database (NFM-P or NSPOS), based on the original source of the object.

Assurance events are retrieved using API commands from the web component library (assurance-share-md), which provides web components to display events on a timeline. Assurance events are recorded and stored on a server that is accessible from NSP using the web component library.

The web component library provides:

The Event Timeline will display events for multiple objects at the same time if all of the selected objects are part of the same object hierarchy, and all of the objects are at the same level in the hierarchy (for example, multiple service sites for the same service).