How do I modify the demand bandwidth of an LSP?


This procedure can be used to manually modify the demand bandwidth of one or more LSPs. An LSP's demand bandwidth is the aggregate bandwidth requested by its source and destination.


To enable this functionality, modify the arm-system.conf file as follows:

nrcp {
   demand-matrix {
     enabled = true

From the Path Simulation, LSP Demand Matrix view, a list of all demands associated with all existing LSPs is displayed.

To view a list of LSPs affected by a specific demand, click More png4.png, Show in LSP List inline with any demand. A list of the LSPs affected by the selected demand is displayed.

Return to the list of demands, then perform one of the following:

  1. To edit the bandwidth of a single demand, click More png4.png, Edit Bandwidth inline with any demand. The Edit Demand Bandwidth form opens.

  2. To edit the bandwidth of multiple demands, select multiple demands and click Edit Bandwidth png7.png. The Edit Demand Bandwidth form opens.

Enable the radio button next to one of the following parameters to provide a value:



Set to (Mbps)

Specifies a new demand bandwidth value in Megabits per second.

Increase by %

Specifies an increase in demand bandwidth relative to the existing value.

Decrease by %

Specifies a decrease in demand bandwidth relative to the existing value.

Click SAVE. The Edit Demand Bandwidth form closes.

To import LSP bandwidth, click IMPORT LSP BANDWIDTH. The Import LSP bandwidth form opens.

Configure the required parameters:



Remote CAS Authentication Server IP Address

The IP address of the CAS server from which to retrieve LSP bandwidth


The username with which to log in to the CAS server


The password to be used with the specified username


The interval at which all LSP bandwidths will be updated with the most recently-available aggregations

Click IMPORT. The Import LSP bandwidth form closes.

Click SIMULATE. The Simulation Results form opens.


A dialog box appears, displaying the simulation's progress. When complete, click VIEW SIMULATIONS RESULTS. A list of rerouted LSPs is displayed.

End of steps

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