NFM-P Hardware platform requirements


For all bare metal installations, Nokia requires the use of supported HP or Nokia AirFrame Intel based x86 stations running RHEL.

For optimal disk I/O performance, the read and write caches must be enabled for each disk / volume. Specific HBA controllers may be required for certain platforms to ensure that the read and write caches can be enabled. Contact the server vendor to determine the correct HBA controller for creation of the correct number of volumes, and to enable the read and write caches.

Redundant installations of NFM-P can use different stations for the active and inactive platforms provided that each of the servers meet the minimum requirements for the intended deployment. In the case where different platforms are used, performance differences are expected depending upon which server is active.

The hardware platforms do not support running applications that are not specifically identified for that platform. For instance, an NFM-P client is not supported on the hardware platform for a distributed or collocated NFM-P server as there is a significant memory requirement for the NFM-P client that will impact the behavior of the NFM-P server platform.

In exceptional circumstances, a single NFM-P GUI client can be temporarily run from an NFM-P server, but should only be used when remote clients are unavailable.

NFM-P supports the use of the Operating System SNMP agent for monitoring platform availability and system resources. The number of OIDs retrieved must not exceed 100 per minute to ensure NFM-P is not negatively impacted.