Additional information

Network element support

Please see the NSP NFM-P Network Element Compatibility Guide for complete network element compatibility information. This compatibility reference guide is updated frequently to incorporate new network element release information and compatibility with NFM-P. Always consult the latest version on the Doc Center.

Deprecations and support discontinuation notices

Feature deprecation and discontinuation notices are listed in the NSP Release Notice.

Scale and architecture

The scalability and performance targets for NSP Release 23 are described in the NSP Planning Guide.

Supported operating systems

Please refer to the NSP Planning Guide for detailed information about supported operating systems and requirements.

Adaptors and artifacts

Adaptors and other artifacts can be delivered off-cycle and are accompanied by their own documentation.

NSP framework features that support these artifacts are delivered with NSP releases and may be described in this document.

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Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.