About this document


This document is intended to assist network planners and administrators by providing high-level feature descriptions for NSP Release 23, along with the schedule for delivery.


The NSP Release Description lists and describes all significant features introduced in NSP Release 23, including classic IP management (NFM-P). The features available in your deployment depend on the feature packages you purchased. For information about feature packages and the product functionality they license you to use, see the NSP System Architecture Guide.

Document organization

The document is organized on a cumulative basis by release. Descriptions reflect the release in which the feature was introduced. If an enhancement is delivered in a subsequent release, the enhancement feature would appear separately.

Feature descriptions are sorted in alphabetical order by product area, and then by feature key.

For more detailed information and procedures related to the features described in this Release Description document, refer to the customer documentation suite delivered with the NSP product.

Document support

Customer documentation and product support URLs:

How to comment

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