Service Management features

[NSPF-246623] Ability to list Routing Policies

Release introduced: 23.11

This feature enables users to view logical inventory that has been defined in the managed network such as QoS policies, routing policies, and ACLs. This allows users to verify that required policies have been defined before beginning service creation.

[NSPF-221506] Ability to clone a service

Release introduced: 23.11

This feature introduces the ability to clone a service.

[NSPF-226239] Ability to invoke Infrastructure Configuration Management actions from the Service Fulfillment application

Release introduced: 23.4

This feature enables users to perform ICM actions on inventory items listed within the Service Fulfillment application.

[NSPF-243157] Bulk associate brownfield services to service templates

Release introduced: 23.4

This feature enables users to configure a set of rules to be followed when automatically associating brownfield services with service templates.

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