Path Control features

[NSPF-230556] Visualise Flex-Algo support

Release introduced: 23.11

Additional FlexAlgo SIDs can be seen in the Info panel when selecting a node from the path control network map or node list views.

The Path Finder API and GUI are also enhanced to allow the specification of a FlexAlgo number which will enable the visibility of the path that packets will follow when using this FlexAlgo.

[NSPF-203002] User scope of command

Release introduced: 23.11

Multiple levels of scope of command are added to the Path Control:

  1. Engineer - For commissioning

  2. Operator - For LSP management

  3. Troubleshooter - For debugging

[NSPF-280846] Automation Support for Latency-based Telemetry Optimization on 7210

Release introduced: 23.4

Latency-based telemetry is supported for 7210 through SNMP collection for interface latency.

[NSPF-280844] Automation Support for Latency-based Telemetry Optimization on 7705

Release introduced: 23.4

Latency-based telemetry is supported for 7705 through SNMP collection for interface latency.

[NSPF-202967] Visualize LSPs per path-profile and path-group on IP/MPLS Optimization map

Release introduced: 23.4

LSPs can be grouped by path-profile-group in listing form as well as being viewed as a group on the map.

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