Automation Frameworks features

[NSPF-286108] Operations Manager | User Experience Backup Restore

Release introduced: 23.11

This capability allows users to access the list of available backups (operations and files) for a given node, choose a backup to perform a restore operation and compare files within two backups.

[NSPF-206055] Network Intents | RBAC: Span of Control

Release introduced: 23.11

Control which individual users or group of users can create/read/update/delete intents per intentType.

[NSPF-286106] Policy-based cleanup of workflow execution results

Release introduced: 23.11

With this functionality, users can define clean up policies to automatically remove old workflow and operation executions based on labels, names, operation types, status, etc.

The user defines the schedule on which the policy is executed and the retention time, so that executions that are older than this time are automatically removed from the system.

[NSPF-291914] Network Intents: Approved misalignments

Release introduced: 23.11

This feature allows users to approve configuration drift, where the desired device configuration snippet differs from the actual device configuration snippet.

Approved changes are persisted and applied to future audit and sync operations.

[NSPF-269509] Intent Manager | Intent-Type Decomposition for Artifact Administrator (schema-form/view-config)

Release introduced: 23.4

This feature permits decomposing artifacts within an intent type (i.e. schema-form/view-config definitions) to maintain a separate lifecycle using Artifact Administrator.

[NSPF-261762] LSO | User Experience: Operations Queue versus History

Release introduced: 23.4

This feature combines the operations and history queues into a single queue to ease the tracking of running operations and avoid operations from automatically disappearing from the operations queue when finished.

This feature enables troubleshooting options in operations already terminated (history).

[NSPF-250743] Workflow Manager | Dual Management (CLI, FILE TRANSFER) Phase1

Release introduced: 23.4

This feature provides a consistent way to access MDM and classic managed devices using management protocols directly. Part of the feature is the access using CLI and file-transfer such as SCP or SFTP.

With this feature it is possible to implement use-cases like NE Backup/Restore and NE Software Upgrades without relying on NFM-P backend functions for those NE operations.

Note: To enable this functionality, the right MDM discovery adaptors must be in place. For 19.X and newer SROS releases, NETCONF can be used as the discovery protocol. Additionally, for any release shallow discovery via SNMP can be enabled when installing the appropriate discovery adaptor. This discovery adaptor will be delivered off-cycle post 23.4.

[NSPF-266109] Intent Manager | Programmability: Provide JSON input at JavaScript API Phase 2

Release introduced: 23.4

Intent script methods can now access the intent data in JSON without the need to do manual schema-aware conversion of XML to JSON. This leads to a simplification of the intent code.

[NSPF-250509] Intent Manager | Mediator to talk to external NFMP

Release introduced: 23.4

Support integration with one or more external NFM-P instances, including redundancy and older NFM-P releases.

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