Simplified RAN Transport features

[NSPF-284836] Manage T-BTS clock synchronization for SyncE and PTP protocols

Release introduced: 23.11

Feature Description

This feature introduces management of T-BTS clock synchronization alarms, which are displayed in NSP for the affected T-BTS. Network Map and Health and the Alarm View are updated in real time.

A new T-BTS plane (S-plane) is introduced and managed in SRT.

Customer Benefit

1. NSP users can use the network map with all NEs on it (T-BTS NEs and IP SR NEs) interconnected, in the Network Map and Health view.

2. NSP users can view sync-related alarms raised against T-BTS nodes.

3. NSP users can see which routers are connected to RAN and T-BTS nodes, with alarms, in topology views.



[NSPF-293088] Support of Simplified Microwave Router (SMR) - site tail BTS is connected via pure MW to SMR

Release introduced: 23.11

Functional Description

SRT manages the following topologies where tail BTS are connected via pure Microwave to access network having SMR with IP + MW:

The Binding status of Radio Planes is updated on physical topology links updates between BTS and SMR. Radio plane alarm synthesis available in Radio Plane Binding table takes alarms on the radio port of the router and the transport port of the router into account.

The Radio Plane operational State available in Radio Plane Binding table takes the operational state of the radio port of the router and the transport port of the router into account.

Customer Benefit

SRT supports the SMR solution with BTS connected via pure Microwave to SMR.



[NSPF-268165] Automate stitching of L2 BH service

Release introduced: 23.11

Feature Description

The T-BTS L2 BH brownfield services are automatically stitched and available in NSP Service Management, Network Map and Health, and Object Troubleshooting.


Customer Benefit

T-BTS L2 BH service are available in NSP Service Management, Network Map and Health, and Object Troubleshooting.



[NSPF-291660] Radio Plane summary for a NE in Troubleshooting dashboard

Release introduced: 23.11

Feature Description

NSP Troubleshooting dashboard supports T-BTS data. The Troubleshooting dashboard provides detailed information for the T-BTS selected in the Network Health Dashboard.

The following T-BTS details are provided in the Summary panel:

Customer Benefit



[NSPF-304979] Introduction of T-BTS 3G (WCDMA) Transport domain

Release introduced: 23.11

Feature Description

This feature introduces support of the 3G (WCDMA) RAT for SRAN BTS type. SRT features are extended to the SRAN WCDMA type. The following radio planes are added:

3G RAT is added to the SRT UI to be able to differentiate the radio technology of each RAN application.

Customer Benefit

SRAN WCDMA 6-BTS can be managed like 4G or 5G T-BTS in NSP for assurance, network topology, inventory and radio plane management.


Only SRAN WCDMA type T-BTS is supported. Classical BTS 3G WCDMA is not introduced in this feature.

[NSPF-198619] Radio Plane operational state for transport level

Release introduced: 23.11

Functional Description

The Radio Plane operational state is computed according to operational state of:

The Radio Plane operational state is updated in real time according BTS configuration updates and L2/L3/RPLS/Link operational state updates.

The Radio Plane operational state and the list of objects involved in Radio Plane operational state are available in Radio Plane binding table with columns Operational state and Operational state details.

The Operational State of a bound or misconfigured Radio Plane is:

The Operational state of a not bound Radio Plane is unknown.

In Network Map and Health, Radio Planes are classified as follows:


In Network Map and Health, the SRT Radio Plane KPIs have been renamed:

Customer Benefit

Radio Plane operational state and Radio Plane operational state details are available in the Radio Plane Binding table.



[NSPF-272763] L2 Backhaul Service Real Time update

Release introduced: 23.11

Feature Description

SRT manages and displays Radio Plane Binding status in real time on T-BTS L2 BH services service and service endpoint updates (creation, deletion, and update).

SRT data displayed in the Radio Plane binding table and dashlet counters are updated in real time according to T-BTS L2 BH service configuration updates.


NSP operators can manually launch the workflow SRT_RefreshServices to update L2/L3 services in SRT backend following L2/L3 backhaul service configuration updates.

Customer Benefit

Radio Plane binding status and KPI counters are updated in real time on T-BTS L2 BH service configuration changes.



[NSPF-284925] RVPLS real-time update

Release introduced: 23.11

Feature Description

RVPLS is managed in SRT but not in real-time. The scope of this feature is to introduce real-time management of RVPLS events in the network.

On reception of an RVPLS update, SRT data is automatically recomputed and updated. Data displayed (Radio Plane Binding table and KPI counters) in Network Map and Health are updated up in real-time according to the configured refresh period. A manual refresh by the operator is still possible using the "click to update" button.

Customer Benefit

Displayed information on Network Map and Health is accurate and updated in near real-time.



[NSPF-260904] SRT deployments

Release introduced: 23.11

Feature Description

This feature introduces four deployment types for Simplified RAN Transport (SRT) in function of the operational use cases required:

T-BTS Assurance

T-BTS Assurance and Provisioning

This deployment option is incremental to "T-BTS Assurance" deployment. The following use case is added:

Radio Plane Assurance

This deployment option is incremental to "T-BTS Assurance" deployment. The following use cases are added:

Radio Plane Assurance and Provisioning

This deployment option is incremental to "Radio Plane Assurance" deployment. The following use case is added:

Customer Benefit

SRT can be deployed and used without the NSP IBSF installation option, in case life cycle management of L2 Backhaul services are not required. If the use case to address is limited to T-BTS assurance, only the T-BTS adaptor is required.


NSP IBSF installation option is required for the deployment options including the Life Cycle of L2 Backhaul services.

[NSPF-279448] Manage life cycle of greenfield and brownfield T-BTS L2 BH services

Release introduced: 23.11

Feature Description

The following operations are available Service Management:

Customer Benefit

Support of LCM of greenfield and brownfield T-BTS L2 BH services.



[NSPF-289423] Usability improvement of Radio Plane Binding table

Release introduced: 23.11

Feature Description

Improve usability of Radio Plane Binding table:

Customer Benefit

Reduce the number of columns and lines in the Radio Plane Binding table of the Network Map and Health view. Simplification of filters for radio plane states and troubleshooting for radio plane bindings.



[NSPF-251816] Manage Radio Plane for BTS multi RAT (4G and 5G)

Release introduced: 23.4

Feature Description

SRT manages the Radio Plane of BTS multi RAT (mix of 4G RAT and 5G RAT). 4G and 5G Radio Plane are available in the Radio Plane binding table.

Slices that reference Radio Plane 4G or 5G are identified in Radio Plane binding table with SD/SSRT or QDI according to technology type.

Customer Benefit

The SRT solution is extended to support BTS multi RAT.



[NSPF-279136] Enable filter operators on string type column

Release introduced: 23.4

Feature description

NSP operators can apply the filters 'not contains', 'equals', 'notEquals', Starts with", 'Ends with" to Radio Plane Binding table string columns.

Note: Filters mentioned above are not applicable to "Slice Id" column.

Customer Benefit

Operators can drill down in the Radio Pane Binding table using a set of filters.



[NSPF-250241] Support of ASOE RAT LTE

Release introduced: 23.4

Feature Description

The SRT solution is extended to support ASOE RAT 4G.

ASOE RAT 4G BTS and physical links are discovered in NSP applications. T-BTS alarms are integrated into the NSP Fault management application. Radio Planes configured in ASOE BTS are audited in the Radio Plane binding table.

ASOE BTS are represented in Equipment Inventory as SMOD ProductName = "ASOE AirScale Core".

Customer Benefit

Introduction of ASOE 4G RAT BTS in the SRT solution.



[NSPF-279101] Expand height of the Radio Plane table

Release introduced: 23.4

Feature Description

The full screen option of the Radio Plane Binding table offers NSP operators the capability to better visualize SRT data for large networks.

Customer Benefit

Enhanced operation efficiency with the Radio Plane binding table full screen option.



[NSPF-231196] Monitor T-BTS and NetAct reachability

Release introduced: 23.4

Feature Description

NetAct reachability is monitored by configuring for each NetAct in the Device Administrator application:

When the NSP detects the loss of communication with NetAct on both reachability policies, NetAct reachability status in Device Admin is set to "Unreachable", the NSP raises the "ReachabilityProblem" alarm (alarm name) referencing the unreachable NetAct.

All BTS managed by the unreachable NetAct are unreachable and the reachability status of each T-BTS in the Device Administrator application is set to "Unreachable".

Upon NetAct communication recovery, NetAct reachability status is set to "Reachable" and the NSP clears the "ReachabilityProblem" alarm.

The reachability status of each T-BTS managed by this NetAct is set to "Reachable" in the Device Administrator application

When only one of the NetAct reachability policy status is "Unreachable", NetAct reachability status is set to "Partially reachable", NSP raises the "ReachabilityProblem" alarm (alarm name) referencing the unreachable NetAct.

All BTS managed by the partially reachable NetAct are "Partially reachable' and the reachability status of each T-BTS in Device Admin is set to "Partially reachable".

Upon NetAct communication recovery, NetAct reachability status is set to "Reachable" and the NSP clears the "ReachabilityProblem" alarm.

The reachability status of each T-BTS managed by this NetAct is set to "Reachable" in the Device Administrator application

Customer Benefit

NSP monitors NetAct and BTS reachability.



[NSPF-273245] Introduction of Simplified Microwave Router (SMR) in SRT

Release introduced: 23.4

Feature Description

At the NSP level, via the Simplified Microwave Router solution, microwave and router nodes are aggregated as a single NE logical entity.

The introduction of SMR in SRT provides the following:

SRT supports the topology where the T-BTS is connected to a router port of the SMR.

Customer Benefit

SRT is extended to a new microwave variant.



[NSPF-254172] [RoR] Alignment with RAN, NetAct and MW release

Release introduced: 23.4

Feature Description

This feature captures the support of 23R1-SR release in SRT.

RAN releases

NetAct releases

NetAct 20, NetAct 22.

Wavence releases

Releases supported by NSP 23.4.

Support of 5G NSA and 5G SA.

Customer Benefit

Support of transport part of 23R1-SR releases in SRT.

[NSPF-253970] Consider BFD configuration in T-BTS during Radio Plane audit

Release introduced: 23.4

Feature Description

SRT displays all paths configured in the BTS routing table (IPRT managed object) corresponding to the Radio Plane IP address in the Radio plan binding table.

The following routing path parameters are available in Radio Plane binding table:

The Radio Plane binding table is updated on BTS configuration change notification (on Routing state or triggerDN) and/or BTS configuration resynchronisation. NSP operators can apply filters on the Radio Plane binding column Preference, Rerouting enabled, Routing State. Radio Planes are sorted in Radio Pane Binding table according the Preference configured on the path.

Customer benefit

SRT Radio Plane audit and binding status computation on link supervision configured on the BTS.



[NSPF-258859] Introduction of Cisco CSR in SRT

Release introduced: 23.4

Feature Description

SRT supports topologies with Cisco routers relying on a Cisco router adaptor delivered by NSP platform. SRT discovers Cisco routers and physical links in the Network Supervision Topology view.

Cisco L3VPN brownfield services are available in Service Fulfillment and Cisco L3VPN updates configuration are handled in real time in SRT.

The Radio Plane binding status is updated accordingly.

Customer Benefit

Topologies supported by SRT are extended with the introduction of Cisco routers.



[NSPF-254970] Support of R-VPLS configuration on CSR port

Release introduced: 23.4

Feature Description

SRT supports VPLS configured on each router physical port. Radio Plane binding status is updated for RVPLS configuration updates and VLPLS service name is available in Radio Plane binding table.

Using the Workflow Manager application, NSP operators can manually launch the workflow SRT_RefreshServices to update RVPLS services in SRT backend upon RVPLS service configuration updates.

The physical links between the T-BTS and to the router are updated upon VPLS (of the corresponding VPRN) configuration updates. Alarms on VPLS are counted in the computation of Radio Plane alarm synthesis and Radio Plane alarm count of Radio Plane binding table.

When binding a Radio Plane to a Transport Service, NSP operators can select a VPRN that references a VPLS. The Service Fulfillment application provides VPRN and VPLS component service details.

Customer Benefit

R-VPLS configuration on CSR are supported by the SRT solution.



[NSPF-283756] Consider IPRT indirect routes for T-BTS Radio Plane binding audit

Release introduced: 23.4

Feature Description

SRT considers all the paths configured in T-BTS routing table to compute Radio Plane binding status. SRT manages the source routing configuration for virtual IP and transport IP, configured on the BTS.

Routing information is available in the Radio Plane binding table for each Radio Plane:

Customer Benefit

Visibility of Radio Plane binding status for all routes configured on the BTS.



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