Assurance features

[NSPF-293248] Migration of Grouping Concept within new NSP Navigation

Release introduced: 23.11

NSP 23.11 offers brand new and improved GUI visualization for fault management, network and service assurance as part of the network health summary and troubleshooting dashboards with a much easier access to all the functionality and tools via the new NSP GUI navigation system. Operators will have an enhanced user experience.

As a result of this change, there is no need anymore for having to create network and service supervision views and groups in order to get NEs, links and services under supervision and assurance. In other words, there are manual steps for on-boarding of network and service assurance.

[NSPF-310193] GUI Support for Logical Inventory - GA

Release introduced: 23.11

NSP 23.11 offers brand new and improved GUI visualization for fault management, network and service assurance as part of the network health summary and troubleshooting dashboards with a much easier access to all the functionality and tools via the new NSP GUI navigation system. Operators will have an enhanced user experience.

This feature includes a brand new and complete equipment and logical (e.g. routing areas and interfaces) for any given Network Element (NE) with in-context navigation from NEs available on the network health summary and troubleshooting dashboards.

[NSPF-279943] Fault Management GUI application evolution

Release introduced: 23.11

The former Fault Management application has evolved in NSP 23.11 to offer improved GUI visualization for fault management as part of the network health summary and troubleshooting dashboards with a much easier access to all the functionality and tools via the new NSP GUI navigation system. Operators will have an enhanced user experience.

[NSPF-279946] Network Supervision -GUI evolution into dashboards

Release introduced: 23.11

The former Network Supervision application has evolved in NSP 23.11 to offer improved GUI visualization for network assurance as part of the network health summary and troubleshooting dashboards with a much easier access to all the functionality and tools via the new NSP GUI navigation system. Operators will have an enhanced user experience.

[NSPF-279948] Service Supervision GUI application evolution into dashboards

Release introduced: 23.11

The former Service Supervision application has evolved in NSP 23.11 to offer improved GUI visualization for service assurance as part of the network health summary and troubleshooting dashboards with a much easier access to all the functionality and tools via the new NSP GUI navigation system. Operators will have an enhanced user experience.

[NSPF-292342] BNG CUPS - Dashlet for Subscriber Performance KPIs

Release introduced: 23.8

As part of this feature, new BNG CUPS dashlets have been introduced to capture following Subscriber level KPIs in Network Health and Troubleshooting dashboard :

[NSPF-292340] BNG CUPS - Dashlet for System Performance KPIs

Release introduced: 23.8

As part of this feature, new BNG CUPS dashlets have been introduced to capture following System level KPIs in Network Health and Troubleshooting dashboard :

[NSPF-273661] TIP MUST - IETF Network Topology [L3 enhancements to add SR TE support]

Release introduced: 23.4

NSP has enhanced support for retrieval of Layer 3 topology via RESTCONF APIs and, in accordance to the IETF models specified in RFC8346, for layer 3 with the addition of the TE information.

[NSPF-291810] Service Troubleshooting dashboard - additional components health added to service

Release introduced: 23.4

In 23.4, the network troubleshooting dashboard has added service components to the service dashboard, i.e. a list of sites, endpoints, and bindings.

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