How do I enable event-based auto-auditing?

Event-based auto-auditing

NSP supports the automatic auditing of E-Line and VPRN services. Once configured, an audit will be triggered automatically whenever a service-affecting configuration event originates from another source (for example, CLI).

To enable this feature, the autoAudit parameter must be set to true in the nsp-service-oper-model-app-config-configmap file (it is set to false by default). Once this is done, the nsp-service-oper-model pod must be restarted.

It is also essential that the NSP Release 23.11 E-Line and VPRN intent types are in use.

There is a default hold timer that buffers the network service configuration events. This set to 2 minutes by default, thereby reducing the chances of multiple audits occurring on the same service in a short period of time.

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