How do service management and network intents interact?

Service management and network intents

NSP's service management function uses intent types imported from NSP's Network Intents to build service and tunnel templates, which are then used to create services and service tunnels. Users with the NSP programming suite can create custom intent types within the NSP's Network Intents views. A library of predefined service models (intent types) can be obtained from the artifacts section of the Nokia Support Portal. The models are contained in the NSP_Product_Service_Artifacts_<Rr>.zip file and must be installed using NSP's network intents function before being imported into the service management views. An important readme file is also bundled with the models. Alternatively, the NSP's Artifacts function provides a service fulfillment bundle that can be used to import predefined intent types into network intents.

For more information about using NSP's Network Intents function - as well as information about cloning intent types, see the NSP Network Automation Guide

For more information about using the NSP's Artifacts function, see the NSP Network Automation Guide

Note: Intent types must be based on the product artifacts 2206v3 bundle or higher in order to be used with service management in Release 23.4.

Note: Intent types must have the 'ServiceFulfillment' label applied in order to be exported to the service management views. Users should exercise caution when modifying or deleting any intent types with the 'ServiceFulfillment' label.

Note: Once an intent type has been exported for use with service management, any change made to that template in either location will be propagated to the other.

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