What are Wavence L3 VPN services?

Wavence L3 VPN services

NSP supports L3 VPN services for Wavence nodes. With the introduction of static MPLS, Segment Routing in Shortest Path Forwarding, and static L3 VPN features, Wavence nodes can also be used to support L3 IPv4 data routing services by leveraging the capabilities of MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) networking using Label Switched paths (LSPs).

Before extending the support for Static L3 VPN, it is required to have support for L3 IPv4 Data Plane routing and Static LSPs in Wavence. This will enable the product to create and configure static IP routes as the means of creating Network Interfaces. The MPLS static LSP feature enables the product to statically assign local labels to an IPv4 prefix. Label Switched Paths (LSPs) can be provisioned for these static labels by specifying the next-hop information that is required to forward the packets containing the static label.

All the IPv4 Data Plane and MPLS (LSP and L3 VPN) related configuration in the Wavence shall be static configuration provisioned by the user and by the NMS/Carrier SDN Controller - hence, it is referred to as static MPLS or static L3 VPN.

Support for OSPFv2 routing protocol for IPv4 and OSPFv3 routing protocol for IPv6 is added to the IP Data Plane of Wavence NEs in order to avoid the use of static routes, thereby making every NE aware of the System IP addresses of the others, as well as the next-hop to be used to reach them.

NSP supports full mesh topology with primary static route configuration, and it allows users configure one or more SAPs on an L3 VPN service site. Also, Wavence-SR interworking scenarios with full mesh topology is supported for both IPv4 and IPv6 service configurations.

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