How do I audit a service tunnel?


Perform one of the following:

  1. From the Service Management, Service Tunnels view, click png1.png (Table row actions), Audit config in-line with any service tunnel.

  2. From the Service Management, Service Tunnels view, click on a service tunnel in the list, then expand the Alignment State section in the info panel and click AUDIT CONFIG.

The service tunnel is audited.

If an Audit Result form appears, one or more attributes and/or objects are misaligned. Review the results and click OK.

The Audit Result form closes.

To revert to the expected value of a misaligned attribute, or to restore a misaligned object, perform one of the following:

  1. Click png1.png (Table row actions), Align, Push To Network in-line with the previously-audited service tunnel.

  2. Click on a service in the list, then expand the Alignment State section in the info panel and click ALIGN.

The service tunnel is synchronized with the network.

End of steps

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