How do I import an intent type into Service Management?


The following procedure is used to import intent types into service management. In order to do this, the desired intent types must first be imported into the NSP's Network Intents function. See the NSP Network Automation Guide for more information.


From the Service Management, Intent Type Catalogue view, click IMPORT.

A list of previously-defined intent types is displayed.

Note: Only intent types that have the Service Fulfillment label applied will be available to import. Intent types to be used for tunnel template creation must also have the Tunnel label applied.

Select the check boxes in-line with any intent types you wish to import and click IMPORT.

The intent types are imported into service management. This may take a few minutes.

Note: Selecting an imported intent type from the list opens the Info panel, which displays historical information such as the last time the intent type was updated, the last time it was imported, and the last time the modules that compose the intent type were revised.

As required, click png1.png (Table row actions), Delete in-line with an imported intent type you wish to delete.

A dialog box appears. Click DELETE. The imported intent type is deleted.

End of steps

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