How do I use NSP clusters?

NSP cluster startup and shutdown

Low-level routine maintenance such as applying a RHEL OS patch to the hosts in an NSP Kubernetes cluster may require that you stop and start Kubernetes in the cluster.

Stopping Kubernetes in an NSP cluster stops the NSP software in the cluster, and creates a network management outage in a standalone deployment.

In a DR deployment, you can avoid a network management outage by stopping and starting the clusters in sequence, as specified in Workflow: stop and start DR NSP clusters.


The following procedures describe the following basic Kubernetes administration operations for the NSP:

NSP infrastructure health monitoring

The NSP has internal agents that monitor the NSP deployment infrastructure. An alarm in raised in response to the detection of one of the following NSP deployer host fault conditions:

Note: An NSP deployer host unreachability alarm clears automatically when reachability is restored.