How do I display the NSP Flow Collector status or release level?


The following steps describe how to view the operational status or software release of an NSP Flow Collector that is on a dedicated station, or collocated with an NSP Flow Collector Controller.


Log in as the nsp user on the NSP Flow Collector station.

Open a console window.

Enter the following:

bash$ cd /opt/nsp/flow ↵

To display the NSP Flow Collector status, perform one of the following:

  1. If the NSP Flow Collector is collocated with an NSP Flow Collector Controller, enter the following:

    bash$ ./fcc/bin/flowCollectorController.bash status ↵

    The NSP Flow Collector Controller and Flow Collector status information is displayed.

  2. If the NSP Flow Collector is on a dedicated station, enter the following:

    bash$ ./fc/bin/flowCollector.bash status ↵

    The NSP Flow Collector status is displayed.

If the NSP Flow Collector is running, the line that begins with flow-collector includes Started.

If the NSP Flow Collector is not running, the following is displayed:

nspos-karaf.service is not running

To display the NSP Flow Collector release level, perform one of the following.

  1. If the NSP Flow Collector is collocated with an NSP Flow Collector Controller, enter the following:

    bash$ ./fcc/bin/flowCollectorController.bash version ↵

    The NSP Flow Collector Controller and Flow Collector release level is displayed.

  2. If the NSP Flow Collector is on a dedicated station, enter the following:

    bash$ ./fc/bin/flowCollector.bash version ↵

    The NSP Flow Collector release level is displayed.

Close the console window.

End of steps