How do I add an NSP cluster node?
The following steps describe how to add a node to an NSP cluster.
The procedure creates a new worker node in the cluster that can run pods that do not require local storage, such as pods that are not pinned to a specific node.
![]() |
CAUTION System Degradation |
The procedure includes operations that fundamentally reconfigure the NSP system.
You must contact Nokia support for guidance before you attempt to perform the procedure.
1 |
Log in as the root user on the NSP deployer host. |
2 |
Open a console window. |
3 |
Open the following file using a plain-text editor such as vi: /opt/nsp/nsp-k8s-deployer-release-ID/config/k8s-deployer.yml |
4 |
Add the new node to the hosts section, as shown below; see the descriptive text at the head of the file for parameter information. nodeName: node5 nodeIp: accessIp: |
5 |
Save and close the file. |
6 |
Create a backup copy of the updated k8s-deployer.yml file, and transfer the backup copy to a station that is separate from the NSP system and preferably in a remote facility. Note: The backup file is crucial in the event of an NSP deployer host failure, so must be available from a separate station. |
7 |
Enter the following: # cd /opt/nsp/nsp-k8s-deployer-release-ID/bin ↵ |
8 |
Enter the following to create the cluster configuration: # ./nspk8sctl config -c ↵ The following is displayed when the creation is complete: ✔ Cluster hosts configuration is created at: /opt/nsp/nsp-k8s-deployer-release-ID/config/hosts.yml |
9 |
You must generate an SSH key for password-free NSP deployer host access to the new NSP cluster VM. # ssh-keygen -N "" -f path -t rsa ↵ where path is the SSH key path, for example, /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa |
10 |
Enter the following to distribute the SSH key to the new VM: # ssh-copy-id -i key_file root@address ↵ where key_file is the SSH key file, for example, /home/user/.ssh/ address is the NSP cluster VM IP address |
11 |
Log in as the root user on the new VM. |
12 |
Open a console window. |
13 |
Enter the following: # mkdir -p /opt/nsp/volumes/fluentd-posfiles ↵ |
14 |
Enter the following: # chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/nsp/volumes ↵ |
15 |
Close the VM console window. |
16 |
Enter the following on the NSP deployer host: Note: If the NSP cluster VMs do not have the required SSH key, you must include the --ask-pass argument in the command, as shown in the following examples, and are subsequently prompted for the root password of each cluster member: nspk8sctl --ask-pass install # ./nspk8sctl install ↵ The updated NSP cluster is deployed. |
17 |
Log in as the root user on the NSP cluster host. |
18 |
Enter the following to verify that the new node is added to the cluster: # kubectl get nodes ↵ An action such as the following causes pod deployment on the new node:
19 |
Back up the NSP cluster data, as described in How do I back up the NSP cluster databases? |
20 |
Close the open console windows. End of steps |