How do I schedule auxiliary database backups?


Note: An auxiliary database backup fails unless all members of the local auxiliary database cluster are operational and available.


Record the current auxiliary database administrator password and store it in a secure location for safekeeping.

The password is required if you change a database user password and then subsequently need to restore the database.

Note: If you subsequently change the administrator password, ensure that you update the recorded password.

Choose Administration→Database from the NFM-P menu. The Database Manager form (Edit) opens.

Click on the Auxiliary Database Backups tab.

Select the Run Scheduled Backups parameter.



Service Disruption

Consider the directory path when you configure the Backup Location parameter.

You must specify the absolute path of a directory in a partition other than the partition that contains the database data.

Configure the remaining parameters.

Click OK to save your changes and close the form.

End of steps