How do I configure the Oracle database user lockout threshold?
As a security precaution, you can configure the number of consecutive Oracle database user login failures that are tolerated before the user account is locked.
If the Oracle database user account is locked because of too many login failures, you can unlock the account by performing How do I unlock the Oracle database user account?.
Note: In a redundant deployment, you perform the procedure on the primary database station. After you perform the procedure, the primary database automatically copies the configuration change to the standby database.
The configuration change that you make in this procedure is not affected by a subsequent database upgrade.
1 |
Log in to the main database station as the Oracle management user. Note: The Oracle management user name is specified during database installation; the default is ‘oracle’. |
2 |
Open a console window. |
3 |
Enter the following: bash$ /opt/nsp/nfmp/db/install/config/samdb/ ↵ The following prompt is displayed: Please select one of the following options: 1) Setting failed login attempts 2) Unlock database user 0) Exit Please enter(1,2 or 0): |
4 |
Enter 1 ↵. The following prompt is displayed: Please select one of the following options: 1) Setting the number of failed login attempts 2) Remove the number of failed login attempts setting (no checking) 0) Exit Please enter(1,2 or 0): |
5 |
To specify the allowed number of login failures, perform the following steps.
6 |
To disable checking for failed login attempts, enter 2 ↵. The following messages are displayed, and the NFM-P no longer locks the Oracle database user account after multiple login failures. About to change the Oracle database user settings Completed changing the Oracle database user settings |
7 |
Close the console window. End of steps |