How do I configure an ageout constraint policy?


An ageout constraint policy defines the database ageout period for a specific object type. When the age of an object reaches the ageout value, the NFM-P deletes the object from the database.

The NFM-P supports ageout constraint policies to define the period of time the database retains persisted virtual network objects. These policies are the dctr policies listed below. See the NFM-P VSAP User Guide for more information about virtual network object persistence in data center networks.

Note: The NFM-P has a number of preconfigured ageout constraint policies.


Choose Administration→Constraint Policies→Ageout Constraint Policies from the NFM-P main menu. The Ageout Constraint Policies form opens.

Select a policy and click Properties. The Ageout Constraint Policy form opens.

Review the Object Count information in the Status panel. The information refers to the most recent object deletion, and can help you define the appropriate ageout time and deletion interval values for the policy.

Configure the parameters.

Note: The Qualified Ageout Time defaults are guidelines. Consider the following when setting the Qualified Ageout Time:

  • A small value can prevent excessive database table growth.

  • The value must be great enough to allow sufficient time to upload the database records to a third-party utility.

Save your changes and close the form.



Service Disruption

Modifying the server configuration can have serious consequences including service disruption.

Contact technical support before you attempt to modify the server configuration.

If required, edit the ageout constraint policy configuration file to modify the following parameters in the Deletion Interval panel:

  • Synchronization Time—shown as ageoutSyncTime in the configuration file

  • Interval (hours)—shown as ageoutInterval in the configuration file

Note: You must perform the following steps on each main server in the NFM-P system.

  1. Log in to the main server station as the nsp user.

  2. Open a console window.

  3. Navigate to the /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/config directory.

  4. Open the AgeoutConstraints.xml file using a plain-text editor.

  5. Locate the following XML tag:


  6. Locate the object class section that you need to modify; the following code shows the residential subscriber instance object class as an example:

    <class name="ressubscr.ResidentialSubscriberInstance"




  7. Modify the ageoutSyncTime and ageoutInterval values, as required.

  8. Save and close the AgeoutConstraints.xml file.

  9. On a standalone main server, or the primary main server in a redundant system, enter the following:

    bash$ /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin/nmsserver.bash read_config ↵

    The NFM-P puts the configuration change into effect.

  10. Close the console window.

End of steps