How do I create an NFM-P user account?

Note: If you want to delete an NFM-P user account, schedules associated with the user account are deleted only if the schedule is not associated with a scheduled task.


Using an account with an assigned Security scope of command role, choose Administration→Security→NFM-P User Security from the NFM-P main menu. The NFM-P User Security - Security Management (Edit) form opens.

Click on the Users tab and click Create. The User (Create) form opens.

Configure the required general parameters.

Click Select and choose a user group.

If required, test the validity of the user email address by clicking Test email beside the email Address parameter.

Note: Before you test the validity of the user address, ensure that the outgoing SMTP server and test message are configured. See How do I configure automated E-mail notification? for information about configuring the outgoing server and test message.

Configure the parameters in the Password panel.

In the UI Session panel, configure the Maximum User Operator Positions Allowed parameter to specify the maximum number of operator positions for the user, where one operator position allows for one NFM-P non-web client session and one web client session for the user.

The value for the Maximum User Operator Positions Allowed parameter cannot be greater than the Maximum User Group Operator Positions Allowed parameter value of the user group to which the user belongs.

Note: When two or more sessions of the same type are registered from a user ID, two or more operator positions are consumed.

Perform this step if the user requires XML API client access:

  1. Configure the required parameters in the OSS Session panel.

  2. To apply an alarm filter to control or limit the alarms that the NFM-P forwards to XML API clients over JMS, click Select in the OSS Session panel and choose an alarm filter. See How do I configure alarm filters for XML API clients? for more information.

Configure the required parameters in the Client IP Address panel.


Save your changes and close the form.

End of steps