How do I backup and restore an analytics server?


The following steps describe how to backup and restore an analytics server. Analytics report data is stored in PostgreSQL, therefore the analytics server repository is backed up by regular postgres backups. The analytics server does not require backups on a regular basis.

Perform this procedure before uninstalling the analytics server or if requested by Nokia support.

Important! Analytics server backups are encrypted using a key located in /opt/nsp/.jrsks. If the backup will be restored on a different analytics server, or the analytics server is going to be uninstalled and reinstalled before restoring the backup, the same key file must be used.

This file must be copied to a secure location before uninstalling the analytics server, as it will be deleted during the uninstall process.


Log in as the nsp user on the analytics server station.

Open a console window.

To back up the NSP analytics server, enter the following:

bash$ /opt/nsp/analytics/bin/ backup ↵

The following is displayed:

Backing up Analytics Application

The backup is generated in /opt/nsp/analytics/backup

Copy the files /opt/nsp/.jrsks and /opt/nsp/.jrsksp to a secure location outside the /opt/nsp path.

These files will be required for restoring the backup on a different server, or restoring after uninstalling.

If you are performing an uninstall and reinstall, perform the following before reinstalling the analytics server:

Copy the .jrsks and .jrsksp files to /opt/nsp.

Verify that the files are owned by the nsp user.

Perform the uninstall and reinstall if needed.

To restore the NSP analytics server, enter the following:

bash$ /opt/nsp/analytics/bin/ importBackup path to backup

End of steps