How do I manage images on an analytics server?


The following steps describe how to upload logo images from an analytics server to the Images folder in the Analytics repository, or to update or remove existing images. You can use logo images for Analytics report branding.

Before you begin, the images must be saved to the analytics server in one of the following formats:

  • JPEG

  • JPG

  • GIF

  • PNG

  • SVG

  • BMP

An image name or filename can include only the following characters:

  • alphanumerics

  • underscore (_)

  • period (.)

Note: You can also manage images using NSP Analytics.


Log in as the nsp user on the NSP analytics server station.

Open a console window.

Create a text file that contains the information for each image that you want to deploy to Analytics; add one line for each image, in the following format:



image_name is the name to assign to the Resource ID that a user must specify when adding the image to a report

path is the absolute path of the image file

image_filename is the name of the image file, and is the name that Analytics applies to the image in the Repository folder

To remove an image from the Repository folder, add the following line to the text file:


Enter the following to deploy the images:

bash$ /opt/nsp/analytics/bin/ deployImage text_file

where text_file is the absolute path of the text file created in Step 3

The analytics server deploys the images and displays progress messages.

When the image deployment is complete, close the console window.

End of steps