How do I customize auxiliary database tables?

Custom auxiliary database table attributes

Some NSP Analytics reports require data that is not available to the NFM-P. Data such as location names, geographic co-ordinates, and maintenance windows must be imported to an auxiliary database in order to be included in reports. The NFM-P has a mechanism for the creation and management of auxiliary database tables and content.

An XML file that you create defines the table columns and data types to add to an auxiliary database. After you import a table definition to the NFM-P, an operator can add data records to the table using a CSV file whose record format matches the format defined in the XML file. An operator can also delete one or more tables, or the content of a table.

Note: A data-import operation appends the new records to the table, and does not affect the existing table contents or structure.

Custom auxiliary database table attributes are retained through system upgrades, and are included in auxiliary database backup and restore operations.

Table definition file format

Figure 22-1, Custom table definition file format, shows a table definition XML file that contains the column definitions for two custom tables.

Figure 22-1: Custom table definition file format
<customTablesConfig organization="OurCompany" name="CustomTableDefs"
         description="This is table 1"
            <column name="column1" type="STRING"  length="8" encoding="RLE" />
            <column name="column2" type="INTEGER" />
            <column name="column3" type="FLOAT"   />
            <column name="column4" type="BOOLEAN" />
            <column name="column5" type="NUMERIC" precision="12" scale="4" />
         description="This is table 2"
            <column name="column1" type="STRING" length="64" />
            <column name="column2" type="STRING" length="64" />

Table 22-1, Custom attribute definition elements lists and describes the configurable elements in a custom table definition.

Table 22-1: Custom attribute definition elements




Text that describes the table; optional


Comma-separated list of column names that define how the table data is to be ordered; optional


Comma-separated list of column names that define how the table is to be segmented; optional

column name

Table column name


One of the following:

  • STRING—1 to 4096 characters






Maximum number of significant digits, represented by a positive integer less than or equal to 1024; required for NUMERIC data type


Maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a NUMERIC data type, represented by a positive integer less than or equal to the precision value; if omitted, defaults to 0

If the number of decimal digits in a data value exceeds the scale value, the data value is rounded to the number of digits specified by the scale value.


Text encoding type for STRING data type; optional, default is AUTO


Field length; required for STRING data type

Functional description

The management tool for custom tables is the customData.bash CLI script on a main server station. You can use the tool to do the following:

Note: In order for the customData.bash script to function, the main server configuration must include an auxiliary database.

Note: If a string data value to be imported includes a comma, you must precede the comma with a backslash to prevent the comma from being interpreted as a CSV file delimiter.

The customData.bash script has the following operating characteristics: