How do I install or upgrade MDM adaptors?



Deployment Failure

You may need to uninstall one or more existing adaptors before you install a new adaptor, or the adaptor installation fails.

Before you install an MDM adaptor, ensure that you read the adaptor documentation to determine whether any existing adaptors conflict with the new adaptor and must be removed before the new adaptor installation.

Perform this procedure to install or upgrade MDM adaptors to enable MDM NE discovery and management.

NSP adaptors are available for evaluation in a lab environment, and as a starting point for development. The adaptors are validated only against specific network devices and configurations; the readme file in an adaptor package lists the supported devices and configurations.

The following must be true before you attempt to perform the procedure:

  • The NSP system includes MDM and is operational.

  • The NSP clusters, MDM servers, mdm-tomcat service, and file service are initialized and operational.

Note: Because your requirements or configuration may differ from the tested configurations, it is strongly recommended not to use the adaptors in a production network.

Contact Nokia to obtain an adaptor suite zip file, and for assistance with adaptor customization.

Note: It is not necessary to uninstall any adaptors before installing a newer adaptor package.

Note: release-ID in a file path has the following format:



R.r.p is the NSP release, in the form MAJOR.minor.patch

version is a numeric value


Log in as the root user on the NSP deployer host in the standalone or primary NSP cluster.

Note: In a DR deployment, you perform the installation or upgrade only on the primary NSP cluster, which then replicates the adaptor configuration to the standby cluster.

Transfer the MDM adaptor suite zip file to an empty temporary directory.

Open a console window.

Enter the following:

cd /opt/nsp/NSP-CN-DEP-release-ID/NSP-CN-release-ID/tools/mdm/bin ↵

Enter the following to verify that the REST token for the NSP cluster is valid:

./adaptor-suite.bash --list

Enter the NSP admin user credentials when prompted.

Messages like the following are displayed if the token is valid.

Using log file: log_file

INFO: timestamp -> Listing MDM adaptors suites ...

INFO: timestamp -> Token requested...

INFO: timestamp -> Token acquired

INFO: timestamp -> Listing adaptor suites...

Installed adaptor suites:


INFO: timestamp -> Done.

Enter the following:

Note: Multiple files and wildcards are supported. For example, sros* specifies all adaptor suites whose filenames begin with sros.

./adaptor-suite.bash --install filespec_1 filespec_2 . . . filespec_n


filespec_1 to filespec_n are one or more adaptor zip file specifications; each must include the absolute file path

Enter the NSP admin user credentials when prompted.

Enter the credentials.

The adaptors are transferred to each MDM instance.

Note: It may take 30 minutes or more for all adaptors to load.

After the adaptors load, you can use Device Discovery to discover compatible devices.

If the NSP system is a DR deployment, verify that the primary and standby file-service-app pods are communicating.

  1. Log in as the root user on the NSP cluster host in the standby NSP cluster.

  2. Enter the following:

    kubectl exec -n $(kubectl get pods -A | awk '/nsp-file-service-app/ {print $1;exit}') -it nsp-file-service-app-0 -- ls /opt/nsp/containers/nspvolume/fileservice/nokia/nsp/mdm/features/suite/ ↵

    Messages like the following are displayed, and the MDM adaptor zip files are listed.

    Defaulting container name to nsp-file-service-app

    Use 'kubectl describe pod/nsp-file-service-app-0 -n default' to see all of the containers in this pod.

    If the adaptor zip files are listed, the primary and standby pods are communicating; the adaptors are installed on the standby cluster upon DR activation of the standby cluster.

Close the open console windows.

End of steps