How do I search for a resource pool?


Open Network Intents.

In the upper right-hand corner of the Network Intents GUI, click png1.png More, Open Resource Management.

The Resource Management GUI opens in a separate browser tab.

In the Dashboard view, select the type of resource pool you are searching from the drop-down list png26.png.

Type a search string in the text field. As you type your string, matching pool objects appear in the dashboard.

By default, four searchable pool attributes are enabled. Your search string matches pool objects against any of those attributes.

To narrow the scope of your search, click png27.png Remove Attribute on attributes you don’t want to search under.

To add a searchable attribute, click png15.png Add Filter and select an attribute from the menu.

If you enable the Equals option, the search only returns pool objects with attribute strings that exactly match your search string. If the option is disabled, the search returns pool objects that contain your search string as part of an attribute string.

The selection of resource pool dashlets in the dashboard is updated dynamically as you specify a search string, and as you specify filter attributes.

End of steps