How do I set global user session limits?


You can set global limits for local NSP user sessions and the maximum allowable login time. These settings apply only to local NSP user accounts authenticated using OAUTH2. They do not apply to users managed through external databases.


Open Users and Security.

Select Users from the drop-down list on the toolbar.

Click png1.png More Actions, Session Settings.

In the Session Settings form, configure user session limits in any of the following ways:

UI Session Inactivity Timeout

The number of minutes of user session inactivity before the user is automatically logged out of NSP 1.

Maximum Session Time

The absolute maximum length of a user session (in minutes) before the user is automatically logged out of NSP.

Maximum Time to Complete Login

The maximum time allowed (in minutes) for a user to complete an NSP login.

Maximum Time to Complete Login Steps

The maximum time allowed (in minutes) for an NSP login sequence that involves multiple steps; for example, if the user must change their password during login.

Maximum UI Sessions Per User

The maximum number of simultaneous GUI sessions per user account.

When this parameter is set to zero, the number of sessions per user is unlimited.

Maximum OSS Sessions Per User

The maximum number of simultaneous OSS sessions per user account.

When this parameter is set to zero, the number of sessions per user is unlimited.

OSS Access Token Lifespan

The number of minutes before an OSS access token expires.

Verify Email

The user is required to verify their email address at first login or after email address changes.

Forget Password

Provides the user with a “Forgot Password?” login page link. The link prompts the user to start a password reset process.

  1. Some NSP UI views are in continuous communication while in use, and a user session does not become idle as long as the user has that view open. For example, viewing an alarm list.

Click Save.

End of steps