Resource Control


The Resource Control software suite provides IP path control, visualization, and optimization applications, as well as multi-layer IP/optical discovery, visualization, and coordination.

Note: The Network Infrastructure Management or Service Assurance feature package enables the NSP to discover the network IGP topology.

The Resource Control feature packages are:

Control and Visualization Starter

The Control and Visualization Starter feature package provides visual representations of the IGP and MPLS topologies, and enables traditional MPLS, control-plane, and brownfield LSP configuration.

For this function, the Virtual Service Router - Network Resources Controller (VSR-NRC) acts in a Virtual Network Function (VNF) capacity to perform topology discovery. The VSR-NRC implements the southbound Path Computation Element (PCE) function using the PCEP, BGP-LS and IGP protocols and an OpenFlow Controller (OFC).

Path Control and Optimization

The Path Control and Optimization feature package enables a stateful or stateless PCE to provide paths to requesting LSPs via PCEP/BGP based on a path profile. The feature package also provides the ability to invoke maintenance practices either manually or automatically based on event notifications.

Note: To deploy Path Control and Optimization, you must also deploy the Control and Visualization Starter feature package.


The Simulation feature package is a traffic-engineering tool for network engineers. The tool enables the design of highly optimized traffic flows, and enables the offline simulation of operational assurance changes to assist in capacity planning.

Note: To deploy Simulation, you must also deploy the Path Control and Visualization feature package.

Enhanced Optimization

The Enhanced Optimization feature package offers automated closed-loop optimization for live network deployments using analytics and telemetry to trigger automated actions.

The functions provided by the feature package use the MDM and OAM frameworks to accomplish the required tasks.

Note: To deploy Enhanced Optimization, you must also deploy the following feature packages:

Note: If your network includes 7250 IXR gen 1 devices, Enhanced Optimization requires an NSP Flow Collector and Flow Collector Controller in the NSP deployment.

Multi-layer Discovery and Visualization

The Multi-layer Discovery and Visualization feature package provides IP/optical topology discovery, path diversity verification, and bottom-up and top-down navigation. The MDM framework is used for communication with a service deployed in IP/Optical Coordination.

Note: The feature package requires no other dependencies to view the transport topology, including the LAGs; however, to view the IP/MPLS (LSP) topology, please contact Nokia Professional Services for guidance; minimally, the Control and Visualization Starter feature package would also be required.

Optical management

An NSP deployment that requires optical management functions must include the WS-NOC product, which provides end-to-end optical management that includes service provisioning over multi-technology transport networks.

See the WS-NOC product documentation for more information.

Multi-layer Control and Coordination

The Multi-layer Control and Coordination feature package supports single-step LLI establishment, maintenance co-ordination, cross-domain connection management, and floating port restoration. The multi-layer control and coordination service is deployed on the NSP cluster.

Note: To deploy Multi-layer Control and Coordination, you must also deploy the Multi-layer Discovery and Visualization feature package.

Note: For multi-layer optimization use cases, you also require the following feature packages:

The IGP Topology Discovery Service

The IGP Topology Discovery Service (nsp-topo-sync-app) synchronizes with VSR-NRC and populates the PostgreSQL database with topology information in the same way that NSP's path control function does, but uses less resources.

There is no UI for this service. Instead, REST APIs can be used to delete links, routers, and prefixes that are operationally down (this is equivalent to path control's clean-up references function). Visit the Network Developer Portal for more information.

The IGP Topology Discovery Services is installed when the networkInfrastructureManagement-igpTopology feature package is included in a deployment. Only one entity can integrate with the VSR-NRC in any deployment. As such, only the IGP Topology Discovery Service or NSP's path control function can be installed — not both. Regardless of which is installed, the same VSR-NRC configuration is required in the config.yml file. See the NSP Installation and Upgrade Guide for more information about populating this file.