
Product software

As a registered customer, you can download NSP software from the Nokia Support Portal. If you are a new customer and require access, contact your sales or support representative for registration information.

To access the NSP software, locate NSP (Network Services Platform) on the main page. Clicking Downloads opens a new browser tab on the Delivery→Downloads portal, also called ALED. This is organized by release. You navigate through the hierarchy to select and download the packages you are licensed to use according to your purchase agreement.

WS-NOC and WS-RC deliver software from separate product hierarchies in the portal.

After you select items for download and click Next, you must choose a download method. Click Help for information about the available download methods.

Note: It is strongly recommended that you verify the message digest of each NSP package or file that you download from the Nokia Support Portal. After selecting Packages→Packages.cksum, the download page lists the MD5 or SHA-256 hash value of an item for comparison with the output of the RHEL md5sum or sha256sum command. See the appropriate RHEL man page for information about using a command.

Service packs

Service packs, or patches, are delivered on the Nokia Support Portal from the same download area as product software. Service Pack Notes bundled with the service packs describe the fixes and provide installation instructions.


Adaptors for model-driven management of multi-vendor devices are delivered on the software download site of the Nokia Support Portal. Hardened adaptors are delivered under the NSP release structure on this site. Customer-specific adaptors are delivered in their own restricted-access Adaptors directory.

Reference adaptors and trial versions of customer-specific adaptors are delivered on the Network Developer Portal .

Network Developer Portal

The Network Developer Portal hosts the latest NSP software in shared (free) and dedicated (paid) lab environments to allow customers to evaluate the NSP platform and develop and test NSP-enabled OSS applications. The portal is also home to API documentation, samples, and tutorials for the developer community.