How do I execute a workflow?


Use this procedure to run a workflow manually. Executing a workflow creates a workflow execution.


Open the Create Execution form:

  1. From Workflows, All Workflows, choose a workflow and click png1.png (Table row actions), Execute .

  2. From Workflows, Workflow Executions, click png5.png EXECUTION.

In the Create Execution form, verify that the environment is correct.

Click in the Environment field to change the environment if needed.

Enter a description if necessary.

The description appears in the Workflows, Workflow Executions view when the execution is created.

Enable the Kafka Notification check box as needed to enable Kafka notifications.

If Kafka notifications are enabled, when the workflow enters a new state (for example, Running, Success, or Waiting) a Kafka event is created on the WFM topic with details.

From the Input Format drop-down list, choose the format and provide inputs.

Note: File inputs cannot exceed 1 MB in size.

  1. Direct Input

    Configure the parameters.

  2. File Input

    Click png17.png and choose the file to import. The Input Type is detected.

  3. URL Input

    Type or paste the URL and click Enter png18.png.

The Input panel is populated.

Turn on execution options as needed.

  • Dry Run: execute the workflow without pushing any information to the network.

  • Compare: execute the workflow and provide a summary of what has changed, or, if Dry Run is also enabled, what would be changed if you set Dry Run to false

  • Force: execute the workflow with predefined user input values.

Configure input parameters as needed.

Click EXECUTE to execute the workflow.

If an action in the workflow requires user input during execution, such as a confirmation message, the action enters Waiting On User Input status.

  1. Choose Executions, Workflow Executions from the drop-down list at the top left of the page and double-click the workflow execution you created.


  3. Choose the action execution and click png1.png (Table row actions), Update . The user input form opens.

  4. Configure the parameters.

The action execution status is updated and the workflow execution proceeds.


Return to the Workflows, Executions, Workflow Executions view to view the workflow execution status.

End of steps