How do I start the SDK application?

Before you begin

To successfully launch the SDK application, the necessary key and certificate for establishing an HTTPS connection must be available under <sdk-installation-directory>/docker/nginx/ssl/ directory. See How do I generate a key and a certificate?.

Existing device modules must be reinstalled in the event of a restart.


Navigate to the <sdk-installation-directory> directory and execute the command:

./ start

The following prompt is displayed requesting credentials for Git.

Input your desired user for GIT configuration or Press Enter for the Default user [admin] to be configured:

Input your desired email for GIT configuration or Press Enter for the Default email [] to be configured:

Gradle will be downloaded and installed.

Note: If there is issue in downloading gradle, you must manually place gradle-4.8.1 under <user-home-directory> or try setting up a proxy. For more information on setting up the proxy, see Web Proxy, then return to Step 1 of this procedure.

The following prompt is displayed, listing the available MDM servers.

Please select one of the following MDM Server versions:

Enter the number that corresponds to the MDM server version you want to use for the SDK and press Enter.

The following prompt is displayed requesting to select build environment.

Please select one of the following build environments: (the generated project build files will work in the selected build environment)

Enter the number that corresponds to the build environment you want to use for the SDK and press Enter.

End of steps