How do I view details of the transport slice realization using L0/L1/L2/L3 services and tunnels/paths?

This workflow describes how to view transport slice information for services and tunnels/paths and cross-launch NSP views to display these components in further detail.


View details: Select “Transport Slice Detail” for a specific transport slice to navigate to the details view. You have two options for doing this:

  • Under Transport Slices Overview, find the required transport slice in the Transport Slices panel, click png11.png, and select “Transport Slice Detail”.

  • Under Transport Slices Overview, click on the bubble that contains the required transport slice. The view scrolls to the Transport Slices panel in the Data Page. In this list, find the required transport slice and click the “Transport Slice Detail” button.

The details for the transport slice are displayed in Transport Slice section.

View the information in the following panels:

  • L0/L1/L2/L3 Services

  • LSPs/Tunnels

Cross-launch functions: You can cross-launch other NSP functions from these panels.

  • L0/L1/L2/L3 Services: cross-launch Service Management

  • LSPs/Tunnels: cross-launch Path Control

  • Radio Planes: cross-launch Network Map and Health

End of steps