To collect NFM-P log files


Perform this procedure to collect the relevant log files for troubleshooting an NFM-P database, server, single-user client or client delegate server station.

Note: When an NFM-P log file reaches a predetermined size, the NFM-P closes, compresses, and renames the file to include a timestamp and sequence number in the following format:


During a system restart, NFM-P log files are backed up to directories that are named using a timestamp. A component that runs for a long time can generate multiple log files. Before you restart an NFM-P component, ensure that there is sufficient disk space to store the backup log files.


To collect the logs for a problem specifically related to installation, perform the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the installation directory, which is one of the following:
    • NFM-P database—/opt/nsp/nfmp/db/install

    • main server—/opt/nsp/nfmp/server

    • auxiliary server—/opt/nsp/nfmp/auxserver

    • single-user client— typically /opt/nsp/client on RHEL, and C:\nsp\client on Windows

    • client delegate server—typically /opt/nsp/client on RHEL, and C:\nsp\client on Windows

  2. Collect the following files:
    • NFM-P_component.install.time.stderr.txt

    • NFM-P_component.install.time.stdout.txt

    • NFM-P_component_InstallLog.log


    component is the NFM-P component type, such as Main_Server or Main_Database

    time is the installation start time

  3. Go to Step 7 .

If required, collect the NFM-P database logs.

  1. Log on to the NFM-P database station as the Oracle management user.

  2. Collect the following files:

    • /opt/nsp/nfmp/db/install/config/

    • all files in /opt/nsp/nfmp/db/install/admin/diag/rdbms/instance/instance/alert

    • all files in /opt/nsp/nfmp/db/install/admin/diag/rdbms/instance/instance/trace

    • all files in /opt/nsp/nfmp/db/install/admin/diag/proxy

    • all files with a .log extension in the following directories:

      – /opt/nsp/nfmp/db/install

      – /opt/nsp/nfmp/db/install/config

    where instance is the database instance name, which is maindb1 in a standalone deployment, or maindb1 or maindb2 in a redundant deployment

If required, collect the main or auxiliary server logs; the log files have a .log extension and are in the following directories:

  • main server—/opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/log

  • auxiliary server—/opt/nsp/nfmp/auxserver/nms/log

If required, collect the RHEL single-user client or client delegate server log files:

  • install_dir/nms/config/nms-client.xml

  • all files and subdirectories in the install_dir/nms/log/client directory

where install_dir is the client software installation location, typically /opt/nsp/client

If required, collect the Windows single-user client or client delegate server log files:

  • install_dir\nms\config\nms-client.xml

  • all files and subdirectories in the install_dir\nms\log\client directory

where install_dir is the client software installation location, typically C:\nsp\client

If required, use a script to collect a comprehensive set of log files.

  1. Log in to the station as the root user.

  2. Open a console window.

  3. Enter one of the following:
    • On a main server station:

      /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin/getDebugFiles.bash output_dir days

    • On an auxiliary server station:

      /opt/nsp/nfmp/auxserver/nms/bin/getDebugFiles.bash output_dir days

    • On an NFM-P database station:

      /opt/nsp/nfmp/db/install/getSAMDebugFiles.bash output_dir days

    • On an auxiliary database station:

      /opt/nsp/nfmp/auxdb/install/bin/getDebugFiles.bash output_dir days


      output_dir is a local directory that is to contain the output files

      days is the optional number of days for which to collect log files


      You cannot specify /tmp, or any directory below /tmp, as the output directory.

  4. Collect the output files:


    On a station that hosts a collocated NFM-P database and main server, all files are present. On a station in a distributed deployment, only two files are present.
    • hostname_date.WsInfoFiles.checksum.tar.gz

      Contains station-specific information such as the hardware and network configuration

    • hostname_date.ServerLogFiles.checksum.tar.gz

      Contains server and JBoss logs, and configuration information

    • hostname_date.DBLogFiles.checksum.tar.gz

      Contains NFM-P database logs and configuration information

Store the files in a secure location to ensure that the files are not overwritten. For example, if two NFM-P clients have problems, rename the files to identify each client and to prevent the overwrite of one file with another of the same name.

Send the files to technical support, as required.

End of steps