Before you call support

Gathering information

Collect the following information before you contact technical support.

Table 2-1: Required technical-support Information

Information type


Issue description

  • recent GUI or XML API operations

  • screen captures or text versions of error or information messages

  • actions performed in response to the issue

Platform specifications

  • NSP software Release and patch level

  • NFM-P software release ID

  • OS type, release, and patch level

  • hardware information such as:

    • CPU type

    • number of CPUs

    • disk sizes, partition layouts, and RAID configuration

    • amount of RAM

System logs

You can use the following functions to collect the log files required by technical support: network and service assurance, analytics.

To collect NFM-P system logs

You can run the following scripts to collect the log files required by technical support:

To collect NSP system logs

You can run the following script to collect the log files required by technical support:

To collect NSP analytics-server log files

Use this procedure to collect the relevant log files for troubleshooting an NSP analytics server if requested by technical support.

See the NSP System Administrator Guide for the procedure to enable and manage analytics server logging.

  1. Log in as the root user on the NSP analytics server station.

  2. Open a console window.

  3. Enter the following:

    cd /opt/nsp/analytics/bin ↵

  4. Enter the following:

    Note: You cannot specify /tmp, or any directory below /tmp, as the output directory.

    ./getDebugFilesAnalytics.bash output_dir days


    output_dir is a local directory that is to contain the output files

    days is the optional number of days for which to collect log files; if not specified, all logs are collected

    Messages like the following are displayed as the logs are collected:

    Please wait, capturing workstation information files. This may take a few minutes...

    Done capturing workstation information files.

    Please wait, capturing analytics server debug files. This may take several minutes...

    Done capturing analytics server debug files.

    Please wait, capturing nsp os log files. This may take several minutes...

    Done capturing nsp os log files.


    Please ftp the output_dir/filespec.tar files to the Nokia ftp server

    ftp to IP_address, login as anonymous

    Put the files in /pub/<ER_NAME>/incoming

    Contact your Nokia support representative for assistance


  5. Transfer the files as directed in the script output

  6. Close the console window.