Lawful Intercept concepts

LI description

Lawful Intercept (LI) is a term that describes the interception and monitoring of network subscriber traffic by authorized agencies for law-enforcement purposes. A subscriber whose traffic is intercepted using LI is called a target. The LI target traffic is replicated by a service mirror that uses subscriber information as the match criteria.

LI characteristics

LI has the following characteristics.

LI functions

LI functions are managed separately from other NFM-P functions. LI mirroring is a special type of service mirroring that requires the following:

Note: The NFM-P blocks the association of LI mediation security to 7750 SR NEs that contain '-NL' in their software version descriptor.

LI configurations on 7750 SR NEs with a non-LI image do not complete because the NE does not have LI mediation security.