Comparing configuration files
Using the compare function
A compare function allows you to display NE configuration changes between selected checkpoints, a selected checkpoint and the active configuration, a selected checkpoint and the rescue file, or the active configuration and the rescue file. This is useful for troubleshooting NE configurations.
Note: In order to use the compare function, valid SSH or Telnet credentials must be specified in the applicable mediation policy.
When you choose one of the compare NE configuration rollback file options, the Checkpoint Compare window opens listing differences between the selected configuration files. The window title displays the names of the NE configuration files that are compared. For example, the title “Index 0 and rescue” indicates that the first NE configuration checkpoint file listed on the Checkpoint Files tab is compared with the NE configuration rescue file.
Differences in the configuration files are noted as follows:
A plus sign (+) indicates that the configuration is in the first NE configuration file listed in the window title but not in the second NE configuration file. In this case, the configuration is in the checkpoint file index 0.
A minus sign (–) indicates that the configuration is in the second NE configuration listed file in the window title but not in the first NE configuration file. In this case, the configuration is in the rescue file.
Configurations that are in both NE configuration files are not listed in the Checkpoint Compare window.