To import device software files to the NFM-P


Perform this procedure to import a set of device software image files or software description files to the NFM-P for use during an NE software upgrade.

Note: The Wavence SM and Wavence SA require software description files, which identify the files that require an upgrade. A software description file has a .DSC file extension.

Note: For releases prior to NFM-P 21.11, NFM-P supports 210 WBX image import only when the files onie-installer-x86_64 and md5sums.txt are present in the package. The md5sum.txt must be renamed to md5sums.txt. No additional files or folder must be present.

From NFM-P release 21.11 onwards, NFM-P supports 210 WBX image import with all the files in Nauge-210-wbx-x package except MIBs folder. Before importing the image MIBs folder must be removed from the package.


Make the new device software files available to the NFM-P.

  1. If the device software files are compressed in an archive, for example, a TiMOS ZIP file, extract the archive files to an empty directory. The directory structure in a device software archive depends on the device type and release, and must have one of the following structures:
    • flat—all files are in one directory, and there are no subdirectories

    • tiered—the directory contains a boot loader file, and a subdirectory contains the software image files

    For example, if you extract a set of 7750 SR files to /ExtractDir, the directory structure is tiered:
    • /ExtractDir/cflash contains the boot.ldr file.

    • /ExtractDir/cflash/R.r.Rn (where R.r.Rn is the software release identifier) contains the software image files, both.tim and cpm.tim


    The 7450 ESS and 7750 SR use a common software image with a Target Product name of Alcatel-SR/ESS-7XXX.

  2. Copy the files to a location that is accessible to the NFM-P.


    Nokia recommends that all OmniSwitch software image files, including optional and boot files, be made available.

    The Wavence SM requires only the software description files.

Choose Administration→NE Maintenance→Software Upgrade from the NFM-P main menu. The Software Upgrade form opens.

Click on the Software Images tab.

Click on the tab that corresponds to the type of NE to be upgraded.

Click on the Inspect Disk Space.

Click Import. One of the following happens:

  1. The Open form opens.

  2. If upgrading 7705 SAR-Hm firmware, the Import Firmware Image form opens. After you set the Image Version and click Select, the Open form opens.

Navigate to the directory that contains the software files and click Open.

Note: If the directory structure is tiered, you must navigate to the directory that contains the boot loader file, then to the subdirectory that contains the software files. For the example in Step 1 , this directory is the cflash/R.r.RN directory for the software image files (where R.r.RN is the release identifier).

Some 7210 SAS devices are equipped with a USB flash memory (uf1). The NFM-P display does not distinguish between compact flash memory (cf) and USB flash memory (uf).

The NFM-P verifies the file set, imports the files, and lists an entry for the imported image.

If the directory does not contain only the required files, a message is displayed. Perform the following steps.

  1. Click OK.

  2. Copy or move files, as required, to ensure that the directory contains only the files required for the upgrade.

  3. Go to Step 6 .

Close the Software Upgrade form.

End of steps